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14 November 2023 08:30-10:30Epicenter Store @ Regeringsgatan 61A

Want to stay at the forefront of retail innovation? 

Join us on the 14th of November for an enlightening discussion on the future of engagement and advertising in the retail sector, hosted by Nordic Retail Hub in partnership with Epicenter.

Retail Media, often referred to as the "third wave of marketing", is transforming the retail landscape. This "digital shelf" offers brands the chance to engage consumers where they're most active: in both online and offline shopping - and in own and third-party space. 

Just as in-aisle promotions capture attention in physical stores, Retail Media provides brands a golden opportunity to amplify their digital presence, drive consumer discovery, and craft personalized shopping experiences. 

Many retailers are looking into the double digit profit margin that most companies have reached and Amazon had during 2022 68% of their profit coming from this area, stunning 38 billion USD. 

At our breakfast event, you'll be taken on a comprehensive journey into the world of Retail Media. Alex Baker, the principal of Nordic Retail Hub, will elucidate the strategic importance of Retail Media in the current marketplace, underpinned by real-world examples, success stories, and industry trends. He is also a task force member for Retail Media at IAB Sweden. But that's not all. 

Our event is designed to give you a 360-degree view of Retail Media. We've curated insights from multiple perspectives, including, brands, agencies, and tech providers, each shedding light on the vast potential of this transformative marketing avenue. 

Dive deep into how this "third wave of marketing" is set to become a profitable product and service, pivotal for many retailers and brands in the near future.

A complimentary breakfast awaits our early-bird attendees from 08.00. Our discussions kick off at 08.30. 

Note that spaces are limited. SIGN UP now to be part of this multifaceted conversation. We look forward to seeing you here at Epicenter Store, Epicenter Stockholm's experimental retail hub! 

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Meet the speakers

Alex Baker
Principal, Nordic Retail Hub

Alex Baker is a retail strategist and serial entrepreneur. He has been voted the leading retail expert in the Nordics with multiple global rewards and offers a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the retail sector.
Alex regularly speaks on industry platforms. He also advises and shares insights with companies on how to understand trends, why innovation capabilities are one of the most important investments to secure relevance and, essentially, survival, and how to attract and retain talent by working with culture from retailers, e-tailers, technology providers, public sector and academia.
Some of the brands and companies he has worked with are but are not limited to NK, Microsoft, Adidas, 3, Burberry, RevolutionRace, American Dream, New Murabba, and Samsung.

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Monika Lindquist
CMO & CCO, Visual Art

Monika is a charismatic Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) with a background in psychology and a wealth of experience in strategic business management.She has a deep understanding of human behaviour, motivation, and decision-making. Her ability to connect with people and understand their needs and desires allowed her to excel in various marketing roles.Monika has a keen eye for market trends and customer insights, which enables her to develop innovative marketing strategies that resonate with relevant target audiences. Her strategic business skills and analytical mindset plays a crucial role in identifying new growth opportunities for companies.

One of Monika's key strengths is her ability to inspire and motivate others. Her charismatic leadership style and passion for her work have earned her the respect of her colleagues and peers. She has a talent for bringing out the best in people and building strong, cohesive teams that work together to achieve shared goals.

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Kenneth Danielsson
CEO, IAB Sweden

Kenneth is an entrepreneur and intrapreneur with more than 20 years in digital marketing. Currently he is the CEO of IAB Sweden and prior to that CEO of GroupM and Mindshare. Working as a leader at industries as, media agency, SEO consultant, web agency, and founder of digital agency Wisely 2006. He hold board positions in several companies and previously at Spoon.Co-founder of a design grill called Ringheim Danielsson. Since 2005 CEO and Co-founder of W41 Agency Group AB

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Susanne Persson
Sales Director, Clear Channel

Susanne is a highly seasoned sales and media executive. She was leading the Swedish business for both Verizon and Yahoo as the Country Manager. With senior positions at companies such as Snap, Aller Media, Bonnier, Metro and Expressen to name some Susanne is one among the top tier in her industry. She has also upheld several task force roles at IAB and is currently in the DOOH team.

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Karl Andersson
Co-founder at Matsmart (Motatoes)

Started off as a sales manager at E.On for several years. Moved into digital media before founding a marketing company in 2011. Matsmart (Motatoes) was founded in 2014 to tackle food waste by selling products that would otherwise go to waste at a discount of between 30%-90%.

Motatoes supports the sustainable reform of the world's food system. We’re a different kind of food store; an e-commerce bringing together heroes to shape a waste-free, healthy and connected future of food. Since the founding year 2014, Motatos has successfully entered four European markets and together, our customers have saved over 40 000 tonnes of food and consumer products.

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Justin Sandee
Director Commercial Director at Bol

Justin is the commericial director at Dutch e-commerce and precious chair at the Retail Media task force at IAB Netherlands. He is an executive with extensive background from media industry., operated by B.V., is a multinational online store, which generates its largest amount of eCommerce net sales in the Netherlands. Belgium accounts for the second largest share of its eCommerce net sales. With regards to the product range, is an all-round online store, with products on offer that cover different categories, such as Fashion, Hobby & Leisure as well as Electronics. The online store was launched in 1999.

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Organized by

Epicenter Stockholm

A place to supercharge local innovation & growth

At Epicenter we help key innovative hotspots to supercharge their local entrepreneurial ecosystems. By building local innovation houses we provide a community, learning platform, and meeting arena for local change makers to accelerate their growth and innovate with impact. 

Nordic Retail Hub

A dynamic platform and ecosystem for inspiration, innovation, co-learning, and collaboration in the new ecosystem of retail

The mission of Nordic Retail Hub is to reshape the future of retail by building a community based on curiosity, insights, and trends. At the heart of this venture lies a platform where an array of stakeholders, encompassing retailers & brands, technology providers, real estate professionals, agencies, academic institutions, city representatives, and industry platforms, unite.